What is Financial Freedom

in women empowerment

Thank you Keith for the lovely review on your site! How cool to be called one of the “Good Guys”!

If you’re just starting to think about creating some finanical freedom, visit http://freedly.com/

If you’re not sure exactly what financial freedom means or looks like for you, this site does a good job of explaining how to define it in your life.


Keith Charlie Taylor January 3, 2012 at 1:00 pm

Wow Ann, I wasn’t expecting that.

It is very early in the Freedly building process, but once I get finished with the basics, I’ll be pestering you for an email interview.

Ann @ CreativeBoomer January 3, 2012 at 10:52 pm

I like what you have built so far on your site.
And I’d love to do an email interview when you’re ready.

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